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The motto of our Company Annual Trip is "Travel is better with friends."

It is perhaps the most anticipated event of the year, we have had trips to numerous places like Jim Corbett, Nainital Jaipur, Chail, Bhimtal, Kasuli, Shimla, Shogi, Manesar, Ooty, Kanyakumari etc.

The entire event right from the planning stage is full of discussions and suggestions amongst employees and fun they plan to have on the Trip, it is almost like College Trips once again!

Our Trips have mix of games, excursions, sight-seeing and of course DJ & Bonfire.

These trips have provided opportunities for fostering life-long friendships as we believe sharing adventures with friends means enjoying them 100% more.

We are always looking to seek new adventures and experiences on each trip.


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The Annual Event held around March/April every year is a daylong event with major highlight being, Leadership address providing an update on the achievements of last year and sharing the major objectives for next year.

It also is culmination of the Annual Reward & Recognition program for the year and is much anticipated by all, the Awards are given for categories in Individual, Team, Leadership, Organization Value & Service Anniversary categories.

The Employee talent is a full-on show be it be singing, dancing, skit, stand-up and many more and the final josh is provided by the DJ and delicious snacks and food.

The onsite activities and games keep the employees enthralled and full of energy ! You can hear the conversations about the event weeks after the event.

Other Activities

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Other Activities

While "work" is the primary reason for us to come together here, but as an organization we have always endeavoured to provide opportunity for people to connect informally and have good amount of work-life balance. We keep organising Health Camps so employees can keep a check on their health and beauty as well. ☺ We have formed "Special Interest Groups" in the organization, which foster interaction and coming together of people with similar interests. These Sig's shape personal interests and hobbies and one can engage in one of the many social clubs here. Membership in the clubs will help you gain invaluable leadership, social and personal skills. Some of the SIG’s are,


Vaibhav Tiwari

Vaibhav Tiwari (Associate Project Manager)

The Team including myself look forward to have a gala time in the Fun Activities like Fundoo Fridays, Dance activities, Smart CresT-O-Meet etc!
The HR team has added things like CSR, T.T Tournament, Futsal, Medical Camps to the range of events which has provided options to employees to be part of the things they are passionate about. Looking forward to many more

Priyansha Sharma

Priyansha Sharma (Quality Engineer)

Me and some of my friends joined CresTech from Campus and were a bit apprehensive about the strict corporate culture?
However, we found it is not only Work but Fun also which is taken seriously here! The number of fun events and activities have kept us in good spirits. The participation from seniors makes it more enjoyable. We recently had our Annual Day at an Offsite, it was amazing and we were super excited to be part of it, some of us even performed at the event!

Yogesh Kumar Gupta

Yogesh Kumar Gupta (Team Leader - Development)

I thought CresTech was all about IT, but it has been an enjoyable journey with the informal and fun-culture seen in the company. The amount of Talent the employees have is unbelievable, with some event or other always on, it keeps the environment lively and stress-free.


Contact Us


Phone : 0120 4320421


Phone : 1 (510) 460 1868
