Choosing the right Security testing for your softwares and Applications

Over past 3-4 years, we have seen explosive evolution of technologies with proliferation of web content and convergence of web and mobile technologies. Today, as business is getting more and more dependent on web-facing customer applications, the risk in going live without securing the application has grown significantly. To address application security challenges effectively, organizations need to test the software and applications across their entire portfolio.

While the speed of releases is ever -increasing, not enough time is being spent on evaluating whether these releases are secure and end customer’s data stays protected. The increases in privacy breaches and cyber-attacks have made it even more critical to safeguard your applications and the data these consume.

Our Security Testing Services

ASM or Application security management services is an aggregation of security testing services and solutions from CresTech that help you test and manage your web application security comprehensively and holistically. With security governance and validation services across the lifecycle of application, we ensure that security issues are found and managed as early into lifecycle as possible.

Our security testing team keeps a tab on new threats/vulnerabilities which are reported and constantly adapts learning new tools and techniques to counter these.

ASM: Our Application security management services is an aggregation of security testing services, methodologies and solutions from CresTech meant to provide end-to-end security testing services. ASM helps you to validate and manage your web application security comprehensively and holistically. With security governance and validation services across the lifecycle of application, we ensure that security issues are found and managed as early into lifecycle as possible.

Architectural analysis and code review:

A well-designed software architecture goes a long way in deciding the performance of the system. Early identification of a potential gap in the architecture, that could eventually lead to performance degradation is always easier and less expensive to fix. Under our Architectural Analysis Services and Code Review offering, we conduct a formal review and examine architectural decisions with respect to their impact on performance as well as other quality attributes, such as reliability or modifiability. We uncover any architecture level performance bottlenecks and give recommendations and help answer your questions like:

  • Will my current architecture support the performance I need?
  • Is my architecture scalable enough to meet the future needs?
  • Does my architecture ensure optimal hardware and network utilization?

On-Demand Security Assessment with CSAC

Application security is paramount, and our clients should be able to easily and independently test the security of their web applications with every code release, to ensure no vulnerabilities move to production and pose a threat to application security.

With CresTech Security Assessment Center (CSAC), which is an On-Demand Security Testing tool, you can quickly, accurately, and affordably perform black-box security assessment of your web applications, without any software to install or manage.

Our solution for Holistic Web Application Security

We have our service offering Holistic Web Application Security testing that governs the end-to-end security certification of applications over web and mobile platforms. We perform an exhaustive black-box vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) and Static code analysis using automated tools and manual techniques to identify all the vulnerabilities in your applications. For mobile, we address security risks of your application on all the major platforms like android, iOS, blackberry, windows and symbian.

We adopt a strong technology and process-based approach adhering to industry standards as SANS and OWASP. Our approach is supported by our proprietary well-documented methodology, known as HolisecTM, which is a 360o approach to identify all the potential security flaws in the application and underlying environment. Our methodology includes testing at all levels in the system-

  • Platform
  • Administration
  • Application

Managed Security Governance Centre

One of our key offerings is the setup of Managed Security Governance Centre for our enterprise customers, to ensure that their critical systems meet or exceed security standards and minimize organization-wide security risk.

Our security experts team identify a “Minimum viable Security compliance Index (MVSCITM)” for such organizations and set up a centralized governance security framework that is targeted to achieve this compliance index. We establish processes, tailored templates, checklists, and guidelines for security testing of web applications, software products, and networks. has built up a repository of security test cases/checklists and developed capabilities using open source and security testing tools.

Network Security Assessment

CresTech's Network Security Assessment Service deals with the security of our client’s Network and infrastructure against attempts of hacking. It is primarily concerned with protecting client's network and computer systems against threats such as exploits, malware, data leakage, spam, and denial of service (DoS) attacks, as well as ensuring trusted access through mechanisms such as IPsec or SSL. We do an active analysis of the network for potential vulnerabilities caused by insecure configurations, hardware or software flaws or bugs, or operational and process loopholes.

Our network security assessment solution provides an exhaustive coverage as VAPT tests which are performed from within the client’s network, as well as from outside over the Internet. These simulate the same methods that hacker would follow to exploit multiple network security weaknesses in different combinations.

Why CresTech

  • Our methodology of end-to-end management of security setup not only includes setting up of Right process and setting up of security audit mechanism across multiple releases, but also on-demand VAPT services and setting up a Security Incident Management platform.
  • We have expertise of working with best-of-breed tools to perform Static code analysis (white-box security VAPT) and black-box VAPT on your application.
  • We get into an SLA driven engagement with our clients, where we provide the service of end-to-end management and maintenance of security for their one or more applications. We setup necessary tools, frameworks and methodology that easily fit into their model of delivery.
  • We ease this transition by conducting regular workshops with developers and testers to sensitize them to the best practices for security standards.

Other Offerings

  • 01. Automated Testing
  • 02. Mobile Application Testing
  • 03. Performance Testing
  • 04. Security Testing
  • 05. Web Application Testing
  • 06. TCOE Setup / Test Advisory
  • 07. Independent Functional Testing
  • 08. IOT Testing
  • 09. Testing Cloud Software
  • 10. Accessibility Testing Service

Automated Testing

Make test automation a key part of your test strategy and increase the velocity of your testing throughput with tool agnostic automation test experts and future ready frameworks.

Our philosophy: Evaluate-> Prove->Execute->Maintain

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."- Aristotle

Internet Based Business

Mobile Application Testing

We believe that a right mix of skill, automation and devices are the key to the success of mobile application testing. We ensure that your end customers get a seamless experience from your mobile application, irrespective of where they are, who they are and which device they use.

"Bad programmers have all the answers. Good testers have all the questions." (Gil Zilberfeld)

Media & Entertainment

Performance Testing

A functionally correct and well designed application doesn't guarantee a win unless it's fast, reliable and consistent. Our Performance Centre of Excellence is dedicated to validating the performance of all kinds of applications and identifying bottlenecks.

We: Benchmark-> Report Bottlenecks->Recommend->Monitor.

"Only conducting performance testing at the conclusion of system or functional testing is like conducting a diagnostic blood test on a patient who is already dead."-Scott Barber

Management Consulting

Security Testing

With continuous disruption in the field of technology, new vulnerabilities are being discovered constantly and ensuring information security has become critical for the reliability of any system. With our security governance and validation services across the lifecycle of application, we ensure that security issues are found and managed as early into lifecycle as possible.

"If you're relentlessly focused on lowering cost, youll quickly become oblivious to opportunities to increase value." - Michael Bolton

Consumer Durables

Web Application Testing

With extensive experience in testing a range of web applications & websites, we provide endto-end testing services covering all aspects of 'Quality': Usability, Functionality, Security, Performance and Compatibility.

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."- Benjamin Franklin


TCOE Setup / Test Advisory

With a TCOE, Quality is infused into an organisation's culture through an ever evolving and scalable quality framework. Our TCOE methodology leverages people, processes and technology and consists of deploying a robust quality framework which can gradually absorb all desired projects within an organisation with minimum disruption to everyday work. Ensure quality each time, every time!

"Quality means doing it right even when no one is looking."- Henry Ford


Independent Functional Testing

Validating whether an application does what the end customer needs is the most important aspect of testing the application. CresTech believes is testing early and thoroughly with a comprehensive coverage of functional requirements.

"More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known."- Boris Beizer

Banking & Financial Services

IOT Testing

The success of testing an IoT application lies in understanding the integrated environment of the devices and software application and in identifying the proper working of this complex system from its start to end. IoT testing strategy is heavily depended on the architecture, communication and purpose of the system. We validate the system as an end user, in different, real world, environments.

"Discovering the unexpected is more important than confirming the known."- George E. P. Box

Banking & Financial Services

Cloud Software Testing

Testing a cloud application is two fold: Test the product and test the service. With extensive experience in testing cloud application we have harnessed the approach to testing applications on the cloud both functionally and nonfunctionally.

"Testing is a skill. While this may come as a surprise to some people it is a simple fact."- Fewster and Graham

Banking & Financial Services

Accessibility Testing Service

We ensure that your web application is accessible to all users on all devices. Our Accessibility Auditors will validate each page against targeted compliance standards.

Our 3 step Approach: Automate Scans-> Affirm Manually-> And Recommend Changes

"If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place."- Susan Wendell

Contact Us


Phone : 0120 4320421


Phone : 1 (510) 460 1868
